Pastured Poultry

We raise our poultry for human consumption the way they were created to live, outside on the grass! 

Fed a high-quality feed, they and their shelter, food, and fresh water, are moved daily all around the farm. After their initial time in the brooder to keep them in a nice warm place free of drafts, they are moved to a new patch of grass each day to give them optimal space, much more than the conventional standard, to move about, peck for bugs, and bask in the sun. Their worst day is their last, but even then it is kept as stress free as possible out of respect for the bird. 

We believe that caring for the birds in this way honors their nature, and produces the highest quality, and most nutrient-dense final product for us and our customers. 

We occasionally have duck, hatched naturally by their mothers right here on the farm, available as well, and plan on turkeys being available for Thanksgiving. -Ask about availability and reservations. 



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