Shop Our Farm, Support Our Family

Welcome to our farm store. Shop our CSAs, Fresh Eggs, Pastured Poultry or Pork. Thank you in advance for any purchase that you make. It directly supports our farm and family and you get the freshest food in the process!

Shop Our Farm Stand

Conveniently located at the end of our driveway, the farmstand is stocked with in-season vegetables, flowers, and other items. Feel free to stop to grab whatever you might need, and follow our social media for regular postings about the offerings on the stand.
If you would like an item not on the stand, such as eggs or a whole, frozen chicken, simply contact us and we will meet you if available.

We kindly ask that you refrain from making yourselves at home on the rest of the farm without us present. We are a working farm and there are constant inherent dangers to both you and our livestock. Thank you.

As a diversified farm-stead, we offer many other items as an extension of the homesteading lifestyle we have always led.

Usually available from the farm, or on the farmstand, are:
Tallow Candles
Soap made with farm and locally sourced ingredients

Occasionally available, or available as requested as time allows:

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