About Us

We are a family of eight that began as an 18 year old kid from the suburbs of Chicago meeting a 16 year old kid growing up off-grid in Idaho. Yep.
Greg was raised in the suburbs of Chicago while Betsy was raised on farms in Colorado, and then in extremely rural Idaho living primarily off the land…and yes, without running water (until age 15). Fast forward through all the really cool parts, college, marriage, rental homes, suburban homesteads, various jobs…and you have us today. A family of eight who took the leap when led to the edge and bought a farm.

Together we raise heritage breed pork, pastured chicken, care for a laying flock, and market garden a pretty fair sized patch of beautiful Illinois soil. We also care for bees, can extensively, eat whole foods for their flavor, experience, and vibrant life-giving nutrients. We didn’t come to farming through a health crisis or epiphany, it’s just something we always did at whatever scale we were able. We are thrilled to have the privilege of being the family that is bringing the farm back to this farmhouse!
We believe that good farm soil should be preserved, and in the culture building power of strong food systems. We believe that the earth was creatively designed to care for generation upon generation, and that the generations were creatively designed to care for creation in turn. We acknowledge climate change, but view it as a unique challenge to this generation and we don’t fear the future, because we know that throughout human history, human beings have overcome the climate changing drastically and trust that we will be lead to a creative solution to this challenge. We do recognize that our soils are collectively in crisis, as is our human social structure, and we farm with these things primarily in mind.
Whether you are looking for vegetables picked at peak freshness year-round, pork and chicken that are raised with their created natures in mind, jam bursting with the bright flavors of it’s fruit, locally grown flowers, honey, and more, we are the farm for you.
Invested in equipping others with the skills of “the good life”, look for announcements for classes in things like, bread baking, soap making, gardening, raising and harvesting livestock, meal planning from the pantry, and more.